Freely Give...
Freely Receive.
Simple and easy to understand yet, the hardest thing to do.
To understand that what you put in - you will get out is merely the understanding that after night must come day.
See what ever comes must be preceded but what has come - essentially what came.
After all gaining abs, toned legs and chest is always preceded by time given - investing in exercise that assures the outcome.
One action thus leads to a desired reaction.
Easy enough to understand.
Often we waste time in a form of procrastination - pointing out why we cannot act to gain the reaction required.
Simply put - we want to receive the cake but do not want to give the flour, the sugar, the eggs and all required to ensure this is achieved.
Of course faith is the substance of things not seen but Hoping for an outcome we are not prepared to 'sow' for is faith wasted.
Newton said, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction therefore what is sought must be preceded by what is put in.
Thus a want must be nurtured by giving to another want - which often has nothing to do with your want but is intertwined with it.